Sunday, December 16, 2007

Indus Day

It was finally 14 December,2007 which was Indus day. After the endless practices I thought we were ready for our play. When everyone reached school we all changed into our costumes. We had to wait in a long cue for getting our make up done. Everyone looked different. Finally it was 10 minutes till we had to go. I was very nervous. When we got on stage and started acting it felt it was just like practice. We all did an excellent show. I enjoyed it alot.
Zoish Pithawala
Indus International School

Monday, December 10, 2007

the grade 5 fete

on thursday the 6th of december grade 5 had a fete we got into groups & made and/or bought things to sell at the fete . my group was me , ruchi & ana . our stall was called the paradise fun stall . many people from the pyp , 6th grade boarders & 12th graders bought from our stall . we ran a very good buisness ! ana , ruchi & i made a grand total of aroun rs. 2,900! we were selling all kinds of things in our group .
we were selling .....

  1. glasses of lemon tang

  2. plates of chips with salsa

  3. masks


  5. tattoos

  6. door hangers

  7. diyas

  8. ETC. !!!!!!

we had become entrepreneurs !!!!! it was fun and exciting but it was very hard work that 1 hour that we ran our stalls was hard work . we were exhausted ! i am glad that all this money is going to charity we made around rs. 32,000 all together and everyone was happy . i really enjoyed this activity .

by rhea 5a

The grade 5 Mini Fete

On 6th December grade 5 did a mini fete. We bought things and sold things in small stalls. We used the skills we learned in our topic,"Let's talk Business".

Some of the things we learned are: Cost price, Selling price, Profit, and Profit&Loss %. I think EVERYBODY made at least Rs.1,000. My group collected Rs.2,580.

First, we had to think of a business plan. Then, we had to buy all the things we were going to sell. It was very stressful the couple of days before the fete. Mrs.Poonam made us work on our charts and all the whole day. he gave no homework except to prepare, BIG TIME!!!!! There was no time to relax. After that was the BIG DAY!!!!!!! We learned a lot and had a lot of FUN! I had loads of fun and I think everyone thinks the same.

Ruchi Patel

Sunday, December 9, 2007

How I liked "Let's talk Buissness"

Our topic "Let's Talk Buissness" was really fun & intresting. We got handouts , that said lot's of stuff I never knew! I also had lots of fun in the topic, doing math in decimals wich meant $money$ & it was especially fun when we had a fete for charity. And made lots of money.
By Alexander Goes

Experience on 'Lets talk some business'

The experience on the topic 'Lets talk some business' (in Unit Of Inquiries) was amazing. It was amazing because every thing we did or studied on connected to something fun. For instance, the songs on supply, demand,producers, consumers and advertisements was very interesting. Also, the mini fete and the movie "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" were very exciting.

When we researched the richest men and women we felt that we wanted to become as successful as the people we were reasearching.

~shreya navile~

Saturday, December 8, 2007

What have i learnt from this topic'lets talk business'

we had a very good time being entrepreneurs during our holidays.when we came back we learnt the skills and qualities tyo be a good entrepreneur.we learnt about supply and demand, loss, profit and many more things.we made good profits to start off duriong the wind up the topic we put up a mini fete and we were even judged on how we were selling.we earned a nice profit.

Megha Goel
Indus International School

The grade 5's "mini fete"

Grade 5 had done a mini fete on the 6th of stall had cookies,brownies and candy.i sold them wit my partener adrianne.there were many other stalls for examplethere was stationary and tatoos and beauty parlourand many more things.we kept our stalls name 'the goody shop'as we sold goodies.we had a lot of fun selling the things and hope to raise a lot of money for charity too!

Megha Goel
Indus International School

Mini Fete

On 6th december, grade 5 became entrepreneurs. We were put into groups and we decided what to sell, made an advertisement, bought the things we decided to sell and on the day, we sold all the things. Our group sold stationaries, jeweleries, lemon Tang, Lay's with salsa, bookmarks, tatoos, door hangers, stickers, masks, diya, greeting cards and bands. And we sold every thing!!! We made a profit of
Rs. 2590. Rhea and ruchi were my partners. We named our stall the 'PARADISE FUN STALL' It was really fun selling things. Grade 5 students were really entrepreneurs.

Ana Choi
Grade 5A
Indus International School

Reflection about the topic 'Let's talk business'

We started this new topic after the Diwali holidays. But we ms. Poonam gave a homework about entrepreneurs to enjoy our holidays. And I did. It was really fun being an entrepreneur.
We've learnt a lot in this topic. Everything about business. And I am sure that it will help us to start a business later when we grow up. We even STARTED a business at the mini fete on 6th december. We sold things we made or bought to the whole PYP. We sold our things in a highter price than the prices we bought it for, to not make a loss. We sold every thing. It was really fun selling things.
Over all, we've learnt about wants, needs, opportunity cost, trade, profit, loss and much, much more. We've learnt so much in a fun way by ms. Poonam that this topic was really fun (like other topics also). And I wish our next topic about space would be fun, too.

Ana Choi
Grade 5A
Indus International School

My Reflection on "Let's Talk Business

In 5th grade we had a topic called Let's Talk Business. We learnt alot about business like what is an economy and what are the qualities in running a business.We had a mini fete and learnt how we do business. I learnt alot and i wish we could continue this topic.
Zoish Pithawala

Mini Fate

Grade 5 had a mini fate on 6-12-2007. We had many stalls like games stalls, restaurants, stickers, stationary etc. Shreya and I had had a stall of bookmarks, door hangers, lip gloss and tatoos. Then we planned to do partnership with Zoish and Misha so we sold stationary also.

Indus International School

Friday, December 7, 2007

My reflection on "Let's talk Business"

I loved this topic. In this topic I learnt about different types of businesses like public limited companies,private limited companies,partnerships. We also learnt about what skills should be there in running a business. In this topic we basically did not form groups but actually the whole class worked together. Ms Poonam actually gave us song worksheets and we all had fun singing the songs.

Indus International School

let's talk buisness!!!

This year's grade 5's third topic was "let's talk buisness".

we were learning everything about economy, buisness, marketing, trades between countries and more and more!!!

we started our topic from our Diwali holiday homework which was about "entruprenership" starting with being an "entruprener" which was fun and enough to enjoy the topic.

later on, December 6th, we had a kind of a assembly which was mini fe'te.
everyone was enjoing the things that ourselves were.

I loved the topic. I wish the topic goes on and on.

our last assessment watching challi and the chocholate factory which we'll learn about partnership.

I wish I'll stay here longer but I have to go back to Korea.

So See You Later

grade 5
Indus International School

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Reflection on "Lets talk Business"

I feel that this topic on "lets talk business" was just great. Before this topic I didn't really know what people used to in businesses but now I really know what people actually do. Ms.Poonam made it interesting for all of us to understand this topic. We also learnt a lot when Ruchi's dad was here to tell us about business.


The Mini Fete

Grade 5 did a mini fete on the 6th of December. 5th grade was selling cookies, brownies, stationary, candy, chips and many more things. We also played games put mehendi and nailpolish on people. I sold cookies and brownies and candy with my partner Megha. Each stall I think made atleast a 1000 rupees profit. I enjoyed it. The money that the PYP gave was all going to charity.

Adrianne Satish
Indus International School

The Mini Fete

On 6th December,2007 grade 5 had a "Mini Fete". It was held in the sports complex. My stall with Misha was a stationery and tatoos stall which i joined with Shreya and Tejaswini. The tatoos were a big hit for the prep kids. Everyone came to our stall to buy stationery and lip gloss. At first I was very nervous what if nobody bought anything what would happen but everything went well . We made alot of profit and enjoyed alot.
Zoish Pithawala
Indus school