1.Asteroids are chunks of space rock which are leftovers from the nebula(the birth of stars).
2.Asteroids don't just float around in space, most of them are orbiting the sun in a huge ring in between Mars and Jupiter's orbit.this is called the asteroid belt.
3.The name 'Asteroid' is the Greek word for star like.asteroids can also be called minor planets or planetoids (planet like).
4.The largest asteroid ever found so far is called Ceres , it has a 1000km diameter .Most asteroids are usually around 100km. the smallest asteroid is 1993Ka2,it is barely 5m across!
- Some asteroids orbit other asteroids!
- Some asteroids have there own moons
- If all the asteroids in our solar system were put together it would be less than a third of the moon!(1/3)
- The weight of all the asteroids in the solar system would be 1000 times less than earth!
- The 2 moons of mars , Deimos and Phobos are not round like our moon ,they are more like baked potatos! People think they may be asteroids trapped in mars' power!