Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Science Exhibition

On Wednesday 26 February 2008, we had the first day of the science exhibition after so much hard work.
Our topic was “Space”. I was to talk about the presentation that my father made for grade 5. The evening before, I asked my dad how to present it the way he did. So he thought me.

We were preparing in the morning and after lunch, we went to see other classes. I first went to my brother’s class (grade 1). Their topic was about light. My brother spoke about the reflection of light. Then we went to see grade 2. Their topic was about chemical experiences. After grade 2 finished their presentation, they all sang a song to us. We then went to grade 3, then 4 and finally it was our turn. Everybody in grade 5 was exited, including me. All the other grades came to watch our presentation. Each time when my turn came, I tried to explain my PPT as interesting as possible. Not many people came to our class because most of them were too young to understand.

The day ended and we just waited till tomorrow comes. Tomorrow came and I was so exited that the energy in me wanted to pop out. Today was the 2nd day of the science exhibition. The day for parents to come. The parents came from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. My throat started hurting from 11 o’clock, because I talked to lots of parents. Luckily it was the time when break started, so I went out, drank water, and ate my snack. So my throat felt better. Then my mum came at 11:45. I talked to her in my best voice and in the most interesting way I could talk because I didn’t want her to be disappointed with me. Time went on fast and soon, science exhibition was over. I was really proud of myself.
It was over and my brother took pictures of me, my friends and Ms. Poonam. I went home feeling proud and happy.

Ana Choi

Grade 5A

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