Thursday, April 24, 2008

grade 5's feild trip to lalbagh

today gr5 went on a feild trip to a place called lal bagh. we were going n a trail from a company from bangalore walks.the bus picked me up at villa del mar. it came 1hour late!! me and ana waited there for 1hour and 15mins. eventually the bus came and we got on. the people already in there told us the bus that was supposed to come never arrived and they had to get a new one! anyway, the bus ride was really fun. i sat with ruchi. after 35 minutes, we reached lalbagh. when we got there we said hi to the people who were already there. then we got these cool, free
eco-friendly bags with pouchs and nature notebooks. we sat on a enourmous rock which used to be a volcnao and talked to our guide about plants. this got kind of boring at times so i just talked to ruchi. finally we started exploring the different trees in lalbagh. we noted down stuf in our notebooks. i was alergic to some trees in lalbagh and i felt sick so i did not participate to much. i just stayed with ms.mohua. at the end we got to climb a huge tree:the biggest in lal bagh. the nurse who accompanied us told me not too because i might be allergic but it looked really fun so i climed it anyway. then our guide made us reflect. it was really boring. the trip was ok. i liked the bus ride better.
by rhea 5a

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