Friday, April 11, 2008

pyp exhibition: the begining

when miss poonam told us about the pyp exhibition everyone was excited that we would get to conduct our own uoi topic doing everything by ourselves central idea, inquirery points... the usual stuff. we started by going to the av room with 5b and were given pieces of paper to write all the burning issues in the world and pick what you think is most important and why you think so. i chose pollution because pollution causes global warming which most people chose. in the end we split up in three groups
  1. polltuion and global warming
  2. drugs
  3. save the animals

i am in the pollution and global warming group. our central idea is: 'global warming is a serious threat to the earth and it is our responsibility to stop pollution in order to prevent global warming and save our planet.' in our classroom since there were lots of people in my group we split up into three other groups. i am in a group with zoish, alex, jere, faizan and shahajii.

preparing for the exibition is hard work, but really fun too!!

by rhea aurora 5a

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