Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PYP Exhibition

In grade 5A we are preparing for the PYP Exhibition by firstly deciding our topics. Mine is drugs. As usual we started by making a unit title(which we got to decide on our own) and then a central idea and lastly five or six inquiry points. We got to decide how we want to present the information. We had different options. We chose to do a skit with a message . DON'T TAKE DRUGS. For our individual work we have each chosen to do our own separate drugs. I chose to do crystal meth which is a type of drug. Which is a drug that is usually somed in glass pipes. It is prescribed in very, very small quantity by doctors for weight loss but some people take too much and start to look demented. We will make some posters, powerpoints, etc. too explain. I chose to do drugs because I thought it would be a very interesting topic to learn about. And it is!

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