Saturday, April 26, 2008

Reflection on our field trip to Lal Bogh

Grade 5 went to a field trip to Lal Bogh on Thursday 24th April 2008. We saw lots and lots of trees. Miss Roopa guided all of us. We did lots of fun activities except that lots of people were allergic to something there, which was why they didn’t enjoy as much as others did.
Miss Roopa showed and told us about seven different trees: Peeple, Ficus Mysorensis, White Silk Cotton, Sita Ashoka, Sausage Tree, Chicken Pox Tree and Krishna’s Buttercup. In the notebook that Miss Roopa had given us, we wrote down the things we learnt and noticed about each tree, as well as how we will remember it and what we would name it. We even bark rubbed the Chicken Pox Tree so we could see the chicken pox-like buttons clearly on the paper.
Then we played a game where we were in groups of 5 or 6 and searched for names of countries that some trees came from. The team which gets the most wins. The team who won got 17 countries.
We also smelled Leaves that smelled like lemon and mint on our way. After a while we sat down and in total silence, we wrote what we heard: Cicada (insect that makes noise by rubbing its legs together), music, people talking & laughing, horns of cars, birds singing, airplanes, wind and people’s footsteps.
Next, we saw a banyan tree that strangled another tree by going around it. Then everybody started to ask for Miss Roopa’s autograph.
We went to an enormous tree and everybody climbed up and down. That was really fun. After enough playtimes, we all grouped together on the tree and Miss Roopa, our class teachers, and us talked about how global warming is connected to trees and nature. Then we went home.


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