Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Field Trip

We went to Ranga Shankara to see a play about a Panchatantra story. The name of the play was "The Ungrateful Man". It was a very good play. We liked the song very much and were clapping. I was sitting next to Rohit and Prithwin. The play go over at 1.45 pm.

Pranav Ramesh
Grade V A

My first two weeks in my new school

I like my new school. I like it because it has a lot of facilities. On the third day, I made a lot of friends like Rohit, Alex, Ritesh, Hugo, Karan. We play a lot of games like cricket and football. My teacher's name is Ms.Poonam Singh. She teaches UOI and Maths.

Pranav Ramesh
Grade V A

Some interesting facts about Egyptian Civilisation

The name Egypt comes from the Greek name for the country: Egyptos.

The Egyptians were the first people known to have separated copper from its ore, about four thousand years ago.

Hypatia (born around 370 AD) was the first woman to make a recorded contribution to mathematics.

The Great Pyramid is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. An estimated 20,000 to 30,000 workers built the Pyramids at Giza over a period of 80 years.

The Pharos of Alexandria, a lighthouse 140 m high, was another of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The history of Egyptian medicine dates back four thousand years.

The final coffin within the sarcophagus of Tutankhamun is of solid gold, weighing 110 kg.

Tutankhamen may have been murdered on the orders of his Chief Minister who married his widow, Ankhesenamen, and became the ruler of Egypt.

For over two thousand years, Egypt was controlled by foreigners. Nasser was the first native Egyptian leader

Pranav Ramesh
Grade V A

My trip to the acropolis

During my summer vacation, I visited Athens and saw the Acropolis - the one historical site you can't miss .
The Parthenon and other main buildings on the Acropolis were built by Pericles in the fifth century BC .

It was very hot and there were tourists every where and the guides were speaking rapidly in englesh , spanish, french , chinese ,hindi , dutch , turkish , german etc. .

While we were there we saw archioligists in action it was amazing !

We had to climb 200 slippery steps all made of marble to get there . The whole area is made from marble!

it was really cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

......So if you are ever in Athens, don't forget to see the Acropolis!!!!!

rhea 5a

Saturday, August 25, 2007


  • They actually created drama !!!!!
  • At the begining of a play they used to sacrifice a piglet and burn it for the greek god of drama Dionysus.
  • Most of their plays were about gods .
  • Even thousands of years ago they used to have flying machines !
  • Their plays took from dawn to dusk , a whole day !!!!!!!!!
  • They had the idea of masks
  • Their theatres were cleverly designed so that the sounds could be heard in the back

rhea aurora 5a

Our New UOI Topic

Our UOI topic "Thanks to the Past", is very interesting as we learn at least three to four new facts in each lesson. We are doing this topic in groups of five or six students. We are researching how we have been helped in different fields by various civilizations such as the Roman, Egyptians, the Greek, Indus Valley, and Chinese civilizations. I have learnt a few strange facts about the Roman civilization. Did you know that the Romans would use cobwebs instead of bandages? Or that the Romans were very good at making medicine?
I will really enjoy this topic.

Grade 5A

First Field Trip

Our first field trip this year was at the Ranga Shankara theatre. We watched a play called "The Ungrateful Man". The whole PYP came with us. The play was about a Brahmin who went into the forest to search for some gold. He searched desperately but found none at all. Then one day he found three animals and one human inside a well. He helped the three animals out. Each animal promised that whenever the Bramin needed them, they would help. They also told him not to let the man inside the well out because he was evil and would never help him. The Brahmin did not heed their advice and helped the man out. The monkey helped the Brahmin by giving him food. The tiger gave the Brahmin a gold necklace . The man rescued by the Brahmin from the well was a gold cutter. The Brahmin went to the gold cutter and asked if the gold cutter would buy the necklace. The gold cutter recognized that the necklace was one that he had made for a prince who had died mysteriously on a hunting trip. The gold cutter also knew that the prince had died of a snake bite. However, he had the Brahmin put in prison for killing the prince. In the end, the evil gold cutter's motive was discovered and he was banished from the town.

Grade 5A

Grade 5

I enjoy grade five, it is a lot tougher than grade four though. It is more interesting as well but we get a lot more homework. I like the different systems in the new class. A few new systems are: we have a class president, vice president and not a prefect and the class pyramid, which encourages the whole class to behave well in order to be rewarded with two free periods.
I am very glad that my teacher from last year, Ms Poonam is my teacher again this year.
I will definitely enjoy the rest of grade five


My first two weeks in my new school

My first two weeks in my new school was just great. I really enjoyed it. It is far better than my old school. In my old school they used to make the whole day really very busy but here I feel I am really left free & I know that the rest of my schooling over here will be great.

Grade 5A

My trip to Ranga Shankara

My trip to Ranga Shankara was great. I came with my mother for the play. The play’s name was The ungrateful man. I enjoyed it & so did my mother. I like the way they acted it out.

Grade 5A

Some interesting facts about Ancient Egypt

Egypt is in Africa. It has so many wonderful places like the Great Pyramid, the Step Pyramid, the Pyramids of Giza etc.

When an important person was dead they mummified the bodies. They put the mummies into the pyramids. They kept the body for 40 days & then they oiled the body & put the body in the coffin & put it in the pyramid. In fact they put the intestine, lungs, liver in some special jars & they pulled the brain by the nose.

Grade 5 A

some intereting facts on ancient greece art and architecture

here are some interesting facts about ancient Greece art and architecture:-
  • The Parthenon was dedicated to Athena Nike which means for victory.
  • The Propylea gateway to Acropolis was built almost like a temple and the Erechtheum,with its columns in the form of young girls,added more beauty to the site.
  • The Parthenon occupied the highest point on the rocky outcrop was magnificent and the smallest temple.
  • It tucked into the side of the Acropolis hill was the 15,000-seat theater of dioysus.
i could find only these many points on ancient Greece art and architecture.


Megha Goel
Indus International

gr 5

gr 5 is really different from gr 4

first we met the new kids and made friends with them . Then we learned our new class systems for example
instead of one class prefect we have many jobs which keep our class in order ,a class pyramid , we have star time etc.
our new UOI topic is ' 'thanks to the past '' we learn about the different systems of ancient civillizations . we have more homework but i like it its very challenging. we also each have chances to be the junior vice captian of our houses and we only have one year left to become a PYP student . i think this year will be really challenging and interesting. I THINK I AM GOING TO ENJOY THIS YEAR!!!
-Rhea aurora 5a

my first field trip in grade 5

my first field trip in grade 5 was to Ranga Shankara auditorium.we went to watch a play "The Ungrateful Man".this story is adapted from the panchatantra.this story is about a man who is a gold smith who tries to cheat a sincere brahamin ,Youngamurthi,who had helped him to come out of the well.we had a lovely time and the play was also extremely nice and funny.

Youngamurthi's wife sends him to the forest to get some money.he doesn't get any money for a few weeks.he starts missing his children he used to play day he stops by a well to sleep but as soon a he tried to sleep he heard some cries.he thought itwas nothing and went back to sleep again he woke up by the was from the well.when he peeped in he saw a tiger,a monkey,a snake and a man.he first took out the monkey then the tiger and then the snake.when he had finished taking out each of them they said that not to take him out because he could do harm to him he did not listen to them and took him out and he did become bad fortune he was put into the kings dungeon because of the gold smith but at the end Youngamurthi did come out and was let free.

it was a very good one.we had loads of was a one hour journey to go and to come back that means it took 2 hours of journey.the play was 1 hours and a half with a 15 minute break.we came back was a wonderful trip.i look forward for more field trip like this one.


Megha Goel
Indus International School

the life as a boarder

the life as a boarder is extremely fun.the first one week it was a bit bad because we sometimes used to get bored but the second week was not at all boring.our days our planned.we have swimming everyday and study our really really fun.we make a lot of friends too.the days are sometimes hectic but always fun.

here is our schedule:-

6:00-wake up call
6:30-jogging or swimming
7:00-come back
7:15-start getting ready for school
8:30-go to school
3:45-back from school
3:45-tuck shop
4:30-sports or swimming
5:30-come back
6:30-study hour
8:00-come back from study hour
8:15-go for dinner
9:00-get ready for bed
9:30-lights out.

by the end of the day it becomes interesting and we don't come to know when the days pass.


Megha Goel
Indus International School

my first two weeks in indus international

my first two weeks were fun.when i came the studies used to look like it was weird but since the second day it suddenly became interesting.the topic we are learning about in UOI is about ancient civilization.we all are divided into groups.

there are five groups.they are:-
1.Roman civilization.
2.Greek civilization.
3.Indus valley civilization.
4.Chinese civilization.
5.Egyptian civilization.

this UOI topic is really fun.i cant wait to watch what is going to come up in this topic.


Megha Goel
Indus International School

Friday, August 24, 2007

First two weeks in grade 5

I can't believe that I am in grade 5.
The first two weeks was nothing but fun.
Grade 5 means many things to me.
New year in Indus International School,The last year in Primary and etc.

Our first topic in grade 5 is "Thanks to the Past".
We are now studing about ancient civilization.
In last week, we became an archieologists and had fun. Now we divided groups and working on our civilization.
This topic is fun.

I was half sad and half fun. Because I was sad when I didn't see my old friends and fun when I met new friends for grade 5.

I think I can enjoy this year with my new friends and old friends.

Hee Joo Moon
Grade 5A
Indus International School

some amazing facts about china

China is an amazing country.
They were once bigger than roman empire!
They are the ones who made the paper and the silk! They started paper on A.D. 26-225 & silk is started at B.C. 1600.

China is the country which started trade with other country. They started with the people of western asia and europe by silk road.

There first national library started in A.D. 26-225. There firework started in A.D. 960.

They thought they were the son of the god beacuse they thought they are the biggest and strongest country in the whole world.

There first empire started at B.C. 221 and the last empire end at 1912 and became a republic of china.

Hee Joo Moon
Grade 5A
Indus International School

My First day in gr.5

It was the first day of gr.5 and I was very excited. I wondered how much different this was going to be from gr. 4. Well this year we don't have prefects we have presidents, vice presidents, librarian, birthday card maker, ambassador, line minder, secretary, and window opener. Plus we got many new students and had lots of fun making friends with them. As much as I miss gr.4 I think gr.5 is going to be different but better.

Zoish Pithawala
Grade 5
Indus International School

Some interestingfacts about Ancient Egypt

Egypt is in Africa. It has so many wonderful places like the Great Pyramid, the Step Pyramid, the Pyramids of Giza etc.

When an important person was dead they mummified the bodies. They put the mummies into the pyramids. They kept the body for 40 days & then they oiled the body & put the body in the coffin & put it in the pyramid. In fact they put the intestine, lungs, liver in some special jars & they pulled the brain by the nose.

Grade 5 A

Some interestingfacts about Ancient Egypt

Egypt is in Africa. It has so many wonderful places like the Great Pyramid, the Step Pyramid, the Pyramids of Giza etc.

When an important person was dead they mummified the bodies. They put the mummies into the pyramids. They kept the body for 40 days & then they oiled the body & put the body in the coffin & put it in the pyramid. In fact they put the intestine, lungs, liver in some special jars & they pulled the brain by the nose.