Our world has seen many wars over many years. We should have peace. To achieve peace we need to know what war is, who starts them, and what are the damages.
People start wars when they want more land, water, oil, and other natural resources. For example Israel and Palestine are fighting over the land that Israel is on. Sometimes people and countries are angry, emotional, or have disagreements and want to teach others a lesson. For example in Africa Ethiopia and Eretria have fought and are fighting a war of independence, also India and Pakistan have fought many wars over land and anger. People have beliefs and opinions which can cause one nation to believe that they are right and others are wrong or that they have a better race than others. In World War II Hitler (German dictator) thought Germans were the best race in the world. Therefore he wanted Germany to rule over Europe and the World. Dictators want more power, money, and attention. They start wars to get these. Today many countries are ruled by dictators, for example North Korea, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and many more.
Wars have many ill effects. Wars kill people and their families. It injures people for life. For example people become blind, skin burnt, arm or leg missing and much more. Many soldiers become paranoid, depressed, and have mental illness. This causes their families to suffer also. Cities are destroyed and polluted. There is also shortage of food, water, and electricity. Many people want to run away from war. War creates many refugees. For example in the India-Pakistan partition there were a million refugees. There is no transportation in or out of the city or country. Many orphans are created. Families lose contact or are broken up due to war. War is bad but it is terrible for children. Children need world peace to grow up.
To achieve world peace we should have an organization for the world. We should create a place where when countries disagree they can talk it out. For example if India and Pakistan have disagreements then they could talk it out over there. The world has created a place like that called the “United Nations” after World War II. The United Nations is also called the UN. The UN provides a place for Countries to tell everyone what they disagree about. The UN is formed from all the countries of the world where the most powerful of the countries like United States, Europe, Japan, Russia, China and India have to protect the weaker nations from being invaded by other stronger nations. The stronger nations have to protect the weak and only then can we have global peace. But sometimes the stronger nation allows its best friends to start wars and that is not good.
Countries should be sent to a world judge who decides whether one country is right or the other. The UN provides such a world judge in the form of the World Court.
Also when two countries exchange goods and trade they do not fight. Therefore the world organization should also provide ways in which poor countries can develop more goods and trade and become rich. When people have enough food, water, electricity, education and a good life they do not fight. Our government should provide this to us. The stronger nations should also help provide these to poorer nations so that the poor nation does not need to go to war to get these. For example India should help Pakistan become richer so that Pakistan and India do not fight as often.
People should get their government to act. People should get to know the world news. Countries need to provide news reporters who can report news as telling the truth without worrying about going to jail. This is called free press. For example WE and India have free press and we can get the news on TV, radio, computer when we want and about what we want. For example Hitler didn’t include that he was going to kill the Jews so that none of the Germans could stop him from killing them. Children should be taught in schools about “Human Rights” because if they know what is happening in the world they can do something about it.
People should be worried about wars going on between their neighbor countries and ask their government to solve it. For example if Bangladesh and Pakistan are fighting should India worry? Yes because many refugees will be coming into the country to seek shelter. There is not enough food and water to feed everyone. So India should help stop the war.
People should also force their government to be democracies. Because in a democracy the power is with the people and if people do not like the government then we can vote them out in the next 5 years. Most democracies do not fight between each other.
We should help after the wars by helping orphans. Builders can help by building cities. We should supply food, water, money, clothes, homes, and medicine. The government should help people unite with their families and help peoples who lost family in the war. We should act the way America acted by giving aid to Europe and Japan after World War II.
In summary, to have World Peace first we need to understand what causes wars and then need government and people of the world to act to prevent war and create business.
Zoish Pithawala
Indus International School